on today’s docket – a celebration on how it’s almost over. and a note that i’m going to the radio astronomy thing and hope you come along too 🙂

cool things i found recently –

yeah that’s it. see ya.

how about that? i made a second one.

on today’s docket – got asked some questions. felt kinda cornered. impressed with how this school can make you feel like you’re in the wrong.

and there’s a new easter egg on the website. good hunting!

more cool things –

i’ll see you all next week.

on today’s docket – i’m starting off this thing! a “weekly” series where i yap about something. or just linkdump. ah well.

cool things i found recently –

all links i put in one of these will also be in the memex. see you next week. maybe.

i see the world

no one else sees it for me

…well then. it’s been three whole months, hasn’t it? it has been exactly 83 days since i wrote my last post of the ’23 school year. and now it’s 284 days until i do it again. strange, innit?

i’m currently writing in the cafeteria. it’s been a while since i’ve been here, and i don’t think i missed it. questionable food, cold air, and loud people. i’d expect this from a bar, not here.

of course, that’s not what i want to focus on today. right now, i feel like talking about some things i learned over the summer. maybe you’ll be interested! (read: this is totally just a link dump 0_o)

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