a summer countdown post: day 4

oh so happy, oh oh so happy

i’m pretty cool once you get to know me

i think we’re all going through some sort of heartbreak right now. it’s not the kind of heartbreak that you get from losing your love. i think it feels more like we’re all in the world right now and we don’t know how to be, if that makes any sense.

it makes sense why some of us might feel this way. all we’re doing is exam review after exam review, and in 24 hours we’ll be knee deep in the actual exams. i have several reviews that are over one hundred questions. and the most they’re worth is a few points extra on the exam. so what’s the point? it feels like i’m earning a diploma for someone else. and that’s probably not good.

there is a light at the end of the tunnel. in 4 days, less than that even, we leave. and then we don’t come back. i, for one, will not miss it. i’ll see you all tomorrow.

what’s this?

the consequences of my actions, now?

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